The next installment in the massive “James Bond” franchise has announced that the upcoming film will be called Spectre. The cast will see the return...
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The next installment in the massive “James Bond” franchise has announced that the upcoming film will be called Spectre. The cast will see the return...
Tim Burton’s upcoming film, Big Eyes looks adorable and intense. It stars Amy Adams, Christoph Waltz with Krysten Ritter and Jason Schwartzman and I already think I...
A brand new trailer has come online for the upcoming Terry Gilliam thriller, The Zero Theorem. You can watch it below. The film stars Christop Waltz,...
If the ending of Django Unchained didn’t leave you wanting more, then you probably won’t like this report. The director and writer of the film, Quentin...
Mere words cannot express the amount of love and sexual attractive I feel towards Christoph Waltz. Which means my excitement for Terry Gilliam’s The...
Christoph Waltz has been confirmed to be joining the cast of Horrible Bosses 2. Initially the (incredibly alluring) actor was eyeing the role but was...