If you aren’t at least secretively obsessed with time travel, then you probably aren’t someone I would hang out with, sorry. It is human nature to want to go back and fix mistakes or witness historical amazingness.
It can be easy to give up on the fantasy, I know. However, I can safely and proudly say I am someone who hasn’t even lost hope that one day I can be kind of like a female Doctor whisking through time and space. These guys haven’t given up hope either and I kind of want to be their best friend.
Jay Cheel is working on a documentary called “How to Build a Time Machine.” In the movie, we see two men who look at time travel as serious business. One of the men has spent years of his life recreating the time machine from the movie and book of the same name from HG Wells. The other gentleman has dedicated his career in physics to figure out how to go back in time to save his father.
When Rob Niosi decided to build a full scale replica of the time machine prop from George Pal’s adaptation of H.G. Wells’ novella ‘The Time Machine’, he had no idea what he was getting himself into. The three month project is now in its eleventh year, and he’s not sure it will ever end. His perfectionist attitude and obsessive nature — cultivated by years of detail oriented, time consuming work as a stop-motion animator — has elevated his machine from prop replica to a true work of art. His goal? To capture the impression he had as a kid when he first laid eyes on the beautiful machine.
When Ronald Mallett was a young boy, his Father died unexpectedly of a heart attack. This event turned his world upside down. He became ostracized from his friends and family and found solace in science fiction. It was H.G. W ells’ The Time Machine that inspired Ron to pursue a career in physics. His goal? To build a time machine so he could go back and save his Father.
You can watch the utterly endearing and fascinating trailer below: