Fox has officially renewed its animated series, “Bob’s Burgers” for season 6. The quirky and popular comedy will go on for another 22 episodes for the 2015-16 season.
“Bob’s Burgers” didn’t initially have really high viewership like its other iconic animated series such as “The Simpsons” or “Family Guy.” However, over the last 5 seasons it has continued to grow fans and accumulate a loyal and dedicated fan base. The EW reported that the season 5 finale drew about 60% more viewers than the previous year.
Chairman and CEOs of the Fox Television Group Dana Walden and Gary Newman said in a press release,
“We can’t help but love the Belcher family. This gem of a series is a rare feel-good blend of sharp wit and genuine heart that fans and critics alike have continued to love throughout its five seasons on FOX. We are proud of Loren and Jim and the extremely talented voice cast who bring these unique characters to life with both humor and charm each week. We can’t wait to see what they have in store for Season Six.”
“Bob’s Burgers” won the Emmy for Outstanding Animated Program last year and is regularly featured on “Top 10” television lists all over the entertainment industry.
The animated comedy includes the voice talent of H. Jon Benjamin (of “Archer” fame), Dan Mintz, Eugene Mirman, Larry Murphy, John Roberts, and Kristen Schaal.