The acclaimed graphic novel series from Joel Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez has new life thanks to Haley Joel Osment, Tatiana Maslany, and Kate Mulgrew! The beloved actors have provided their voice talent to the audio version of the series Locke and Key, available FREE, exclusively from Audible.
A brutal and tragic event drives the Locke family from their home in California to the relative safety of their ancestral estate in Lovecraft, Massachusetts, an old house with powerful keys and fantastic doors that transform all who dare to walk through them. As siblings Tyler, Kinsey and Bode Locke discover the secrets of the old house, they also find that it’s home to a hate-filled and relentless creature that will not rest until it forces open the most terrible door of them all.
Maslany, Osment and Mulgrew are joined by a full cast of over fifty voice actors, including cameos by Hill and Rodriguez. Locke & Key is one of the most commercially successful graphic novels in history. The first issue, released in February of 2008, sold out in a single day, and the audiobook promises to be one of Audible’s top ever sellers.
To preview an audio sample of Locke & Key featuring Haley Joel Osment, click here.
Your readers can download Locke & Key for FREE at,