If you were waiting anxiously for the Wii U release of “Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara” then I have bad news. The highly anticipated arcade brawler bundle has been delayed till September according to Capcom community liaison Gregaman.
He confirmed the news this week at Capcom Unity’s forums and you can read his statement below:
“We regret to inform you all that the release of the Wii U version of Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara has moved to September,” the statement reads. “There have been a number of development issues and despite our best efforts, the delay could not be avoided. We realize this is a frustrating situation for everyone out there but we ask for your continued patience and support. Updates will be provided as the situation develops.”
Unfortunately, Capcom did not explain the exact reason the game was delayed for the Wii U console. “Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara” has already been released for the Xbox Live Arcade and the PlayStation Network back in June, offering up ports of the ’90s beat-’em-ups Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom and Shadow Over Mystara.