Since it was revealed that a “Breaking Bad” spinoff featuring our favorite criminal lawyer, Saul Goodman, was in the works, fans have been speculating about what and who exactly we will see in the new series. It was later confirmed that the show would be a prequel to BB featuring the pre – Walter White life of Goodman. But it is possible that we may see his life in Nebraska following the events of the BB finale as well.
During a recent interview with IGN, the actor who plays Goodman, Bob Odenkirk, talked about his hopes and ideas for the upcoming series.
Odenkirk was asked about the possibility of including flash forwards to Goodman post-BB. He confirmed that he had brought up that the series creator Vince Gilligan.
“Well, I’ve talked to Vince [Gilligan] and Peter [Gould], who are writing and creating the series, about this and I’ve said that a lot of people do want to see what happens to next to Saul. So, I don’t know what they’re going to do. I know they’ve talked about prequel, but they’ve also talked to me about sequel, and they’ve also talked to me about a mix of prequel and sequel,” said Odenkirk.
As for how Goodman becomes the titular character, that is still in the works. Odenkirk says that while Gilligan is still formulating the backstory, he has some ideas regarding his character’s illustrious past as well as how he becomes Goodman on screen.
I wouldn’t go into too much detail, because I don’t want to influence Vince at all in his efforts. I’m approaching this the way I approached Breaking Bad, which is, ‘Vince, you write it and then you hand it to me and I will figure out my part.’ And I will not try to own the universe, or tell you what happens, or dictate anything. I will do the job of an actor, which is take the script, study it, think about it, feel it and ask myself, ‘Who is this person is and how do I be him?’ It’s been incredibly freeing to do that. You know my resume. You know I’ve directed, produced, and written. And when you do all of those things, acting is a lot less fun and you have a lot less energy and focus as an actor because you’re thinking of all the things revolving around the character, rather than just playing the role.
Odenkirk also added that the “writers are starting up in two or three weeks, so they’re trying to get that ready.”
Currently, there is no word on who else we can expect to cameo or appear in “Better Call Saul” or an anticipated premiere date.

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November 8, 2013 at 9:56 pm
I miss Breaking Bad already! Thx for sharing!
Miss Lou
November 8, 2013 at 10:21 pm
Better Call Saul? Really.. Oh. My. Goodness.