Telltale Games has released several screenshots from the upcoming game “Tales from the Borderlands.”
It is easy to see that “Tales from the Borderlands” is very different from the other installments in the franchise. Most notably it resembles the other games in TellTale’s collection such as “The Walking Dead” and “Wolf Among Us.” Telltale producer Adam Sarasohn spoke about the change in style saying,
“… Borderlands features some amazing characters and stories in a world that’s rich in dark humor,” Sarasohn wrote. “Handsome Jack, Claptrap, Tiny Tina, Angel, Moxxi, Zer0 … it’s a big list. We are all about compelling characters and stories, and we see an amazing opportunity to build on what Gearbox has created.”
Sarasohn also revealed some tantalizing details about the game. The look found in “Tales from the Borderlands” will be able to be used in other areas of the franchise. Last month, IGN found out that the game will embrace its shooter roots as well as focus on money and the theme of greed.
“Tales from the Borderlands” is slated to release this year. It’s an episodic game series that costs $5 USD per episode but will be cheaper with a season pass.