Stephanie Counts and Shari Gold are currently alleging that they worked with William Morris Endeavor agents to shop around a proposed television show they...
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Stephanie Counts and Shari Gold are currently alleging that they worked with William Morris Endeavor agents to shop around a proposed television show they...
“New Girl” season 4 officially adds Damon Wayans Jr. as season regular. He was previously billed as guest star for season 3 despite appearing...
“The Mindy Project,” “Brooklyn Nine-Nine,” and “New Girl” have been renewed by FOX for the 2014-15 television season. FOX also renewed “The Following” for...
Linda Cardellini, my perpetual big sister, is joining the cast of “New Girl” to be someone else’s sister. According to a report from...
Coach is staying! (For the season at least.) Damon Wayans Jr. is reportedly staying on for the rest of this season of “New...
It was announced earlier this year that Damon Wayans Jr. was returning to the series, “New Girl” this season but his return to the...
Where you all for the Cece and Schmidt love to be reunited in “New Girl?” Or did you think Schmidt had moved on by...
“New Girl” fans are in luck as Netflix and Twentieth Century Fox Television announced today that the popular series will be available to watch instantly...