Photo by Arthur Edwards – WPA Pool/Getty Images
In the show, “Doctor Who,” The Doctor has met his fair share of royalty (not to mention marrying the queen of England once) but in the real world the show was recently visited by Prince Charles and Camilla. The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall visited the show’s set while meeting with the current stars Matt Smith, who plays the Doctor, and Jenna Coleman, who plays his companion Clara, as well as some of the crew including Steven Moffat.
Prince Charles and Camilla explored all the landmarks of the set including the TARDIS while meeting several of the shows villains including the Cybermen and the Daleks. Prince Charles even did his best Dalek impersonation.
“It was great to welcome The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall to set today,” Smith said in a statement. “Showing them how to fly the TARDIS was a real treat and something I never thought I would be doing when I first took on the role. The Prince of Wales said he remembers watching the show when he was 15 and seemed very knowledgeable on the ‘Who’ history, so it’s nice to think they are watching.”
The shows 50th Anniversary is just around the corner as the show continues to be the longest running sic-fi series still airing. To celebrate the milestone, BBC is airing a “Doctor Who” 50th anniversary special in November. The special will see Smith and Coleman co-star alongside previous stars David Tennant and Billie Piper.
Unfortunately, Smith has confirmed that he will be leaving the show. His exit is set to occur following the 50th anniversary special airing on November 23 and the annual Christmas special.
“Meeting The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall today was such an honour,” Coleman said in a statement. “The Prince was particularly interested in the mechanics of how the TARDIS works and the storyline for the upcoming 50th anniversary special, but I didn’t give too many secrets away.”
The 50th Anniversary Special will air November 23, 2013.

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Wesley Butler
July 3, 2013 at 8:16 pm
Now all that we need is for Will and Kate to visit the set of Game of Thrones.